It’s no secret that global temperatures are rising and the ocean is changing with every degree.

The planet is taking a beating from all the greenhouse gases we are pumping into the atmosphere. We know that cattle are a big contributor to these emissions.
the Problem, Image of cows that cause methane emissions, getting combatted by Fremantle seaweed cattle feed

Livestock methane emissions

As the human population increases and the demand for resources grows, cattle are being raised at increasingly higher rates. By weight, a cow produces 250L to 500L of methane per day. Factoring in the numbers at this scale, it’s really no surprise that livestock emits 10% of Australia’s greenhouse gas emissions.

Food security

Global protein demand is growing by 4% pa and traditional sources of protein such as livestock contribute 11% of national GHG emissions. There are very few fresh seaweed products available to the Australian market, so Fremantle Seaweed is providing a local sustainable alternative to the $40M of imported dried seaweed products.

the Problem, Image of Fremantle seaweed cattle feed

Ocean acidification

Increasing carbon dioxide levels in seawater make it more acidic. Ocean chemistry changes due to decreasing pH levels and seawater’s acidity, causing marine organisms’ shells made from calcium carbonate to dissolve.

Excess nutrients

Excess nutrients from industry, agriculture, finfish aquaculture, and atmospheric carbon are causing ocean dead zones stressing the delicate biodiversity of our planet.